Lenora Lee Dance receives 2 Isadora Duncan Awards!
Lenora Lee Dance is esteemed to be the honorary recipient of the Special Achievement Award for Outstanding Production by the Isadora Duncan Dance Awards Committee. Alongside Hien Huynh, one of the main cast members who played a character inspired by the life of Wong Gong Jue, received an award for Outstanding Achievement in Performance by an Individual for his incredibly moving performance in the piece. We fully embrace the commemoration, support, and love from the community and all those involved in voicing forward justice, ancestry, and compassion. With inspiration, and forging fires of motivation, we strive to seek and share a sense of gratitude for life and our lived experiences. The power in sharing these truths is boundless and with your support, we will continue to bring the possibilities to life.
Izzies Press Release
Isadora Duncan Awards, SF Chronicle, Claudia Bauer